Saturday, May 11, 2024

A Look Inside: Franklin Square Market

Previous Tenants: Price Chopper Limited (2012-2022), PDT Market (March-September 2023)
Location: 55 Railroad Place, Saratoga Springs, NY
Date Photographed: May 11, 2024

Today's post takes us back to the former Price Chopper Limited space, which we covered a few years back. This store became PDT Market in March 2023, a gourmet market with a cafe and bar owned by Chef Adam Foti. Foti stepped down in September 2023 to fully focus on PDT Catering. The store currently operates as Franklin Square Market.

The store's key service areas line the left side of the store. Produce is the center-rear of the store (pictured off to the right).

General grocery items are located in the center of the store. Non-food items, as well as the bar, are located along the front windows.

Beverages, as well as the creamery section are in the back right corner of the store.

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