Thursday, May 23, 2024

The James St. Wegmans Revisited + Sabaton in Syracuse

Like Retail or Rammstein?, this post features both retail and concert photos from the previous day's trip. However the latter photos were not that great, so we will be seeing more of the retail photos.

With 45 minutes to spare before the concert started, my brother and I stopped into the James Street Wegmans. While I have visited this store numerous times before, none of the photos were posted here. In 2023, this store, along with basically every other store except DeWitt had the old block logo replaced with the current logo as shown here. A photo from November 2019 of this store with its old logo can be seen here.

Before we go inside the store, I would like to refer to Random Retail's post of this store before it got updated.

Apparently this store had been updated, and the layout had changed. The health and beauty items seen past the cheese section were moved to the left side of the store.

Take note of that beverage section past the registers - that was where the floral section used to be.

Aisle 1 is all water products, and is also the back corridor, which is lined with meat products.

While aisle 12 is uncategorized, it is primarily lined with snack foods.

This used to be a walkway splitting the horizontal A/B aisles into two sections. They were combined into one in this update.

Part of the dairy section, with various cheeses being housed here. Also take note of the 70s-style diagonal wood which has managed to survive throughout the years.

Health and beauty items line the front left corner of the store. That concludes the Tour de Wegmans. Now, off to the Empower Amphitheater.

Sabaton was the opener for Judas Priest here at Lakeview. We only stayed through a small part of Judas Priest's set to eat before leaving to avoid heavy traffic.

Where else but Sabaton can you find a guitar tech willing to dress in a pink rabbit suit?

To amuse the audience further, Joakim plays a pink Hello Kitty guitar during Resist and Bite. This was my favorite part of their performance.

While nothing can top a Rammstein performance, good times were had with The Tour To End All Tours. Also got a nice shirt there, which I will use to close out this post.

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