Thursday, December 9, 2021

Dollar Tree: Nothing's $1.00

As a result of rising prices, Dollar Tree is no longer a real dollar store, and nothing is $1.00. But has the appearance of their stores changed? Let's take a look into one of these:

As it would be false advertising to bear the $1.00 byline, it was removed, leaving some nasty scars. It would be safe to say other stores that had said byline will also don the same removal scars.

As a way of saving money on implementing a new decor package, they stuck new quotes over the existing "Million Dollar Brands!" and older "New Items Weekly" signage. I wonder what happened to stores with the red early 2000s decor package which prominently don the "Everything's $1.00" tagline.

Ain't this laughably bad? Rather than part with their only United, they put stickers on the sides but not the front (does that ring a bell anyone?), and even the filing job on the $1.00 was done poorly! I would hate to see what this would look like in stores that carry partial or full United fleets.

So, how are your Dollar Tree stores faring? Let us know in the comments!

- Retail Regents


  1. It's definitely interesting to see how quickly these changes are rolling out. I'm interested to see how everything will ultimately look across their entire fleet of stores.

  2. I never even thought about how the decor would need to change. Interesting indeed!

    1. The best stores to focus on would be those with the pastel decor or red/white decor from the early 2000s. The changes are not as obvious with the current decor. Also take note of the plastic shopping carts, as any changes will be like the 2005 United shown here.
