Monday, May 30, 2022

Tops #723

In another early-morning post, we are taking a look at another set of archived photos of a Grand Union turned Tops not located in the Adirondacks.

Welcome to the Tops of Hudson Falls, New York! Not surprisingly, this store had the facade switched from shingling to metal during the switch over from Grand Union to Tops.

Judging by the green tile border separating the aisles from the corridor, it appears Grand Union last remodeled this store in the 1990s.


  1. You were right when you mentioned how Sing and Grand Union used a very similar awning style!

    1. It makes the design seem less unique. A lot of these design tend to reflect the time period in which they were in style. Grand Union's late 1980s style, which is sloped downward at the top and flat at the front really is not unique either.
