Thursday, October 5, 2023

Norwich Revisited

The Grand Union chronicles continue with another large CNY store previously covered as a Tops.

As we already know, this 25 year old building was built on the site of the former Victory Markets headquarters, which expains the store being well off the main roads.

But before we go in and explore the interior, we have a cart tax to pay.

Surprisingly, this store has no Bemis shopping carts, and retains its Job Lot-esque Tops fleet, with some fresh ones added in. The only carts that parted ways are the Kmart Technibilts. For the rest of the carts that remain that have not been photographed in this post, see Bouncers: The Least Worst of Tops under the Norwich header.

Now on with the store...

The amount of open space in the grand aisle and front end is quite a disturbing sight. Surely Grand Union could have done a better job of filling the floor with extra displays.

It goes without saying this is just another Tops store with Grand Union stickers slapped over all the Tops logos on the signage. Hard to say if C&S will ever give these stores a unique identity.

Now to close out the post with some memorabilia...

In larger stores like this, they actually offer larger reusable bags. These themed Grand Union bags are quite a nice touch compared to the less interesting Best Yet bags C&S has to offer.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, though they could have done without the green rectangle around the logo. I feel like C&S dropped the ball with design elements around Grand Union's new logo.
